Resilio for Racing and Motorsports

How racing teams overcome bandwidth limitations at the track and sync ever-increasing amounts of real-time telemetry data, fueling the insights they need to get a competitive edge.
Matthew Shehorn  /  October 11, 2024
Resilio for Racing and Motorsports

Get file access that’s as fast as you

Every millisecond matters on the racetrack, which is why racing teams need data systems as fast and finely tuned as their cars.

Off-the-shelf file management systems don’t cut it, so most teams across F1, Formula E, INDYCAR Series, and NASCAR cobble together homegrown solutions that lack visibility, break easily and are hard to scale.

Distributed data infrastructure offers a better way. Our advanced tooling delivers vital telemetry data to engineers in real-time, whether they’re on the pit wall, at the garage, at headquarters, or even remotely—regardless of the connectivity available to them.

Our work accelerating data sync and file sharing for teams across series showcases the best of what the Resilio Active Everywhere platform can deliver. Here’s how our advanced solutions get race cars over the finish line fast.

Accelerate file availability with Resilio Active Everywhere

Outdated data infrastructure slows racing teams down

Most outsiders fail to appreciate the complexity of racing teams’ tech stacks. Modern race cars are packed with sensors streaming real-time telemetry data that’s vital to understanding and optimizing vehicle performance. Engineers back at headquarters analyze this data in real-time, quickly pinpointing adjustments to be made at the next pit stop. 

To facilitate this process, racing teams build mobile Network Operations Centers (NOCs)—entire trucks filled with IT hardware, including file storage equipment and virtual machines — which can then be driven from racetrack to racetrack. 

The NOC ingests telemetry data, shares it with engineers at headquarters, and transmits instructions to computers located in every pit on the track. This often occurs over a mix of constrained hardwired connections, Wi-Fi, or cellular connections.

Racing teams in these high-pressure situations face several critical challenges:
  • Bandwidth limitations: The average race generates 11 terabytes of data. Syncing this data in real-time to a centralized server or file-based storage platform quickly maxes out bandwidth, causing bottlenecks and delays. 

  • File prioritization: Without granular file prioritization policies, lower-priority video and media files can soak up precious bandwidth, delaying sync for vital telemetry data teams need in real-time.

  • Network latency: Racing teams travel all over the world. If your headquarters is in Europe, but you’re racing in South America or Australia, latency can reach hundreds of milliseconds due to geography alone, slowing data access.

  • File caching: To prepare for each race, teams need access to datasets on previous runs at that specific track, including rich video and media files. That data is pulled from headquarters in advance, then removed from the NOC’s storage after the race to clear space for the next cache of files. 

  • Set-up and tear-down: With only a few days to spend at every race location, racing teams need solutions that set up quickly and plug into networks easily without taking excessive time and effort to configure.

  • Lack of visibility: Faced with needs off-the-shelf software simply can’t meet, many racing teams code their own file-sharing solutions using a combination of tools like Rclone, FastCopy, robocopy, and PowerShell scripts. However, these homegrown systems lack visibility, making it challenging to troubleshoot errors when they arise.

Try a GFS Solution Built for Scale

See the difference a distributed global file system approach makes for reliability, speed, and reducing egress costs with massive data movement.

Skywalker Sound main facilities are located at Skywalker Ranch in Lucas Valley, near Nicasio, California

Accelerate file availability with Resilio Active Everywhere

Racing teams’ data challenges are unique—so unique that they require a new approach to data infrastructure.

Our revolutionary peer-to-peer architecture bypasses server bandwidth limits by sharing data directly between different nodes on your network. Since we distribute data across your machines rather than funneling it all through a central choke point on the public internet, we’re able to sync in real-time even when connectivity is poor or data volumes spike. The result: Your file sharing can finally reach top speed on the track.

Other Resilio Active Everywhere capabilities further accelerate racing teams’ data:
  • Enact granular file prioritization policies
    Tell our system which files must be synced in real-time and which can wait. Purpose-built for racing teams, this job prioritization feature ensures that low-priority video and media files never cause bottlenecks during race time again. We can also control distribution so your internet connection at the track is fully utilized for traffic to external sources, ensuring maximum bandwidth for syncing high-priority files to your NOC or headquarters.

  • Gain visibility in an easy-to-use dashboard
    I know — we just said centralization was the source of all your problems. But when it comes to managing your workflows, you want to see all your jobs in progress in one easy-to-use spot. This heightened visibility makes it easy to troubleshoot errors. Plus, jobs automatically retry after failure and pick up where they left off if the connection is lost, and then restored. With our browser-based dashboard and management console, you can also change file prioritization policies, caching rules, and other settings on the fly. 

  • Use with any data storage or network type
    Resilio Active Everywhere integrates easily with your cloud storage utilities and on-premise and remote devices to connect data across your entire ecosystem. It can sync via satellite, cellular, and local networks — whatever connection you have is good enough for us.

  • Marry speed with security
    Our WAN-accelerated solution can reach speeds of up to 10 Gbps per agent over either a local or WAN connection. Resilio Active Everywhere is also Security Operations Center (SOC) compliant and can be completely air-gapped if necessary to ensure data stays secure.

When every millisecond matters—get active everywhere

From its aerodynamic body to its turbocharged engine, every inch of a race car is optimized for speed. Your data infrastructure should be, too—and not only if you’re a racing team performance engineer. IT teams across industries need real-time data syncing capabilities to fuel up-to-the-minute analytics and insights. 

Take the next step to accelerate your IT infrastructure—start a free Resilio Active Everywhere trial or schedule a demo with our specialists.

About the author

Matthew Shehorn  /  Account Executive

I lead business development outreach at Resilio, specializing in data workflows for media and entertainment companies. I love working with our motorsports clients, solving data movement challenges on the track to keep racing teams one step ahead. 'If you ain't first, you're last.' – Ricky Bobby