Nasuni and Panzura vs. Resilio: A Guide to Real-Time Enterprise File Sharing

Resilio is a highly reliable and efficient alternative for global file sharing, caching, replication, and synchronization. Combined with your chosen on-premise workflows or hybrid cloud storage services, it is a superior alternative to conventional solutions.
Susmitha Marupaka  /  September 9, 2024
Nasuni and Panzura vs. Resilio: A Guide to Real-Time Enterprise File Sharing

The Resilio Approach

Resilio Active Everywhere offers a compelling solution for enterprise file sharing and synchronization. Key advantages include 10x faster access to your storage solutions through peer-to-peer technology, superior scalability, and lower total cost of ownership with no CapEx requirements.

The Resilio approach enhances remote work productivity, reduces cloud egress costs, and provides greater flexibility across edge, on-premises workflows and cloud-native environments. Its Zero Gravity Transport™ protocol optimizes data transfer across various network types, while the platform's data storage-agnostic approach and automation readiness offer significant operational benefits.

For businesses seeking efficient, scalable, and cost-effective data management, Resilio presents a robust and future-proof option.

The Resilio approach enhances remote work productivity, reduces cloud egress costs, and provides greater flexibility across edge, on-premises workflows and cloud-native environments.

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Resilio: A Comparison with Nasuni and Panzura

Resilio Platform
Nasuni & Panzura

Blazing-fast Speed and Synchronization

  • Our peer-to-peer architecture is 10x faster than conventional solutions

  • 100% real-time

  • WAN-optimized Zero Gravity Transport™ protocol moves data at line speed over any distance

  • Slower - relies on Hub and Spoke, SMB, and TCP functionality

  • Near real-time

  • No WAN optimizations

Superior Scalability

  • Scale-out architecture

  • High performance for any file system or size

  • Optimized for SMB and NFS file systems

  • Adding more endpoints improves scalability

  • Limited scale-out architecture 

  • Performance impact when dealing with large files or huge folders

  • Optimized only for SMB file systems

  • Scaling more nodes is taxing performance and synchronization time

Lower Total Cost of Ownership

  • No data migration is required

  • Use your existing on-premise or cloud storage 

  • No CapEx (software-only pricing)

  • You have to migrate your data over

  • CapEx (hardware-based pricing)

Speedy Distributed File Locking

  • File locks are replicated in less than 5 seconds

  • Scales to 100s of millions of files

  • Extends to desktops that cache file locally

  • Admins can easily view and manage all locks and file owners

  • File locks take much longer to replicate (30 sec and up to a few minutes)

  • Cannot be extended to desktops

  • Doesn’t support offline work

  • Difficult for admins to manage file locks

Lower Egress Costs

  • Download once and replicate everywhere using a peer-to-peer approach to reduce egress costs

  • Data is served locally whenever possible, reducing egress costs

  • Policy-based on-demand data synchronization to reduce WAN traffic

  • Cloud object storage is the data hub, resulting in higher egress costs

  • Each node incurs egress costs as they download  and share files from the cloud object storage for replication (N egress costs for N nodes)

  • All devices in the system download data snapshots, even if the data is not needed locally

Remote Work Productivity Boost

  • File synchronization can be extended to desktops and even to mobile devices, replacing clunky SMB over VPN with an optimized file transfer protocol

  • Remote employees can cache files on their desktop/laptop and access them while offline

  • Granular control over pre-caching, download priority, and dehydration for faster access and reduced latency in low bandwidth conditions

  • General purpose Pre-caching/pinning policies only

  • No offline access (files aren't editable if the cloud or the appliance holding locks is unavailable)

  • Hub-and-Spoke is a bottleneck for edge caching and file sharing with many millions of files or frequent file/folder modifications

Automation Ready

  • API first approach

  • 100% compatibility between UI and API

  • UI and API aren’t compatible

  • Limited to no automation

Cloud-native Ready

  • Objects are stored in the native format, so they can be integrated into cloud-native workflows

  • Files are stored in a proprietary format, on top of cloud object storage.  Objects cannot be accessed natively and require access over SMB using Nasuni or Panzura appliance

Any Storage, Any Cloud

  • Flexible deployment - use your private data center or public cloud. Your choice.

  • Resilio works with any underlying storage and can be installed on any cloud provider (Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, etc.)

  • Data is stored in its native format and can be accessed without using Resilio

  • No need to migrate data

  • Nasuni or Panzura appliance installation is mandatory

  • Your existing storage is not supported. Migrating the data is mandatory.

  • Limited selection of cloud providers

Customer Obsession

  • Extra entitlements required for Nasuni and Panzura Professional Services

The Architecture Makes the Difference

In traditional hub-and-spoke architectures, adding more endpoints linearly increases synchronization time, creating a bottleneck as your environment grows.

The Resilio advantage is our peer-to-peer, distributed architecture for file synchronization—a revolutionary approach.

  • Every endpoint collaborates: all endpoints in your environment work together to sync files.

  • Organic scalability: adding more endpoints increases sync speed and improves data availability.

  • More demand equals more supply: as your network grows, so does its synchronization capacity.

Not only is Resilio’s architecture faster by design, but it also dramatically reduces egress costs. In a distributed, p2p architecture, most data comes from other devices on your network. Unlike traditional hub-and-spoke-based solutions, which incur egress costs at each endpoint for replication.

Solution Type
Egress Costs

Hub-and-Spoke (without Resilio)

[N] endpoints

[N] * $X

Peer-to-Peer (with Resilio)

[N] endpoints


Try a GFS Solution Built for Scale

See the difference a distributed global file system approach makes for reliability, speed, and reducing egress costs with massive data movement.

See the difference a distributed global file system approach makes for reliability, speed, and reducing egress costs with massive data movement with Resilio.

Flexible and Manageable Peer-to-Peer Scalability

Designed for large-scale enterprise needs, Resilio offers unparalleled syncing capabilities that set it apart in the industry. Our superior scalability is enterprise-ready and supports any file server, file storage infrastructure, file size, file volume, and cloud storage services.

Where Resilio Active Everywhere excels:
  • Files of any size or volume

  • Quickly sync GB and TB-sized files

  • Ideal for unstructured data, object storage, cloud file storage, large images, and videos

  • There is no upper limit on individual file size, with support for up to 400 million files in a single folder

  • Maintain high performance even with massive file storage volumes

  • On-premises or cloud storage agnostic data services

  • AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Blob, Google Cloud Storage buckets, IBM Cloud Storage, Wasabi Cloud Object Storage, Oracle Cloud Platform, and more

  • Supports any storage system, including NetApp, Pure, Dell, HP, Windows file servers, or any other storage solutions

  • Any OS: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac, TrueNAS, FreeBSD, and Android

  • Plus, set it, sync it, and forget it management simplicity:

  • Easy setup and configuration

  • API first approach

  • 100% automation enables faster time to value for your business needs

Data Security is Key

  • Protection against ransomware and other types of data loss is critical.

  • Resilio uses a distributed file archive architecture to ensure data security.  The archives store the previous versions of modified and deleted files.  

  • Resilio uses your infrastructure and runs behind your firewall without any shared or public resources. It can even be installed in an air-gapped environment.

  • In addition, a cloud backup could be configured as another layer of file data security and general data protection.

  • All the communication is encrypted end-to-end to ensure secure file transfers.

Future Proofing Enterprise data

The game-changing capabilities of Resilio Active Everywhere make it an excellent alternative for businesses seeking Nasuni alternatives or Panzura alternatives. Resilio’s unparalleled speed, scalability, software-only deployment, and high-performance synchronization empower businesses to overcome the limitations of traditional hub-and-spoke architectures like Ctera, Nasuni, and Panzura. 

Resilio enables a high-performance hybrid cloud that excels in file synchronization, remote access, file sharing, and local caching, while also enabling edge data ingest, data backup, hot disaster recovery deployment, and more. 

Experience the Resilio difference for yourself—schedule a demo today and discover how our innovative high-performance platform can transform your data management strategy, boost productivity, and drive your business forward. See the power of real-time, anywhere file services, and take the first step towards a more efficient, scalable, and flexible data future.

About The Author

Susmitha Marupaka  /  Product Manager

Susmitha is the Product Manager for Resilio Active Everywhere. With 20+ years of experience, including Cohesity, VMWare, Panzura, NetApp, and Cisco, Susmitha specializes in developing product strategies that address complex enterprise needs. She holds an MBA from Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business and is passionate about solving critical business challenges that drive digital transformation.