BitTorrent Sync crosses the 1 million user mark. Sync 1.2 features a new developer API, plus performance enhancements and expanded iOS capabilities.
BitTorrent Sync is a beta project in cloud-free syncing. Our goal is to build a sharing tool that lets you move big files, and big ideas, freely. Without surveillance. Without speed limits. And without size caps. Your data belongs to you. Sync is designed to keep your stuff yours; with you and your team, wherever you are.
Last July, we introduced the BitTorrent Sync Beta. Since then, we’ve synced over 30 petabytes of data; growing to over a million monthly active users. And our product has grown up, too. Today, we’re happy to announce Sync 1.2. Here’s what’s new.
Sync is now 2X faster
Sync skips the cloud to deliver files faster than server-based alternatives, like Dropbox. And with 1.2, we’ve boosted Sync’s speed performance. The app’s been clocked at 90 MB/s on the LAN. Which means your 10 GB file will be synced in less than two minutes. (Note that speed is dependent on your Internet connection, and will vary.)
Sync for iOS7 and iPad
Good news for Apple fans. We’ve updated Sync to include new design, improved connection speed, iOS7 compatibility, and a native iPad app. We’ve also added to the iOS feature set. You can now send and sync files in other apps using Sync, and save media from your Sync folders direct to your camera roll.
Sync 1.2 features a number of other performance improvements and bug fixes. Looking to build something on top of Sync? We’ve also added a developer API.